lunes, 1 de febrero de 2010

Article about Industrial Engineering.

Industrial engineers figure out how to do things better. They engineer processes and systems that improve quality and productivity. They work to eliminate waste of time, money, materials, energy and other commodities. This is why many industrial engineers end up being promoted into management positions.

Many people are misled by the term industrial engineer. It’s not just about manufacturing. It also encompasses service industries, with many IEs employed in entertainment industries, shipping and logistics businesses, and health care organizations.

mis⋅lead  /mɪsˈlid/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [mis-leed] Show IPA verb, -led, -lead⋅ing.
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–verb (used with object)
1. to lead or guide wrongly; lead astray.
2. to lead into error of conduct, thought, or judgment.

–verb (used without object) 3. to be misleading; tend to deceive: vague directions that often mislead.

im⋅prove  /ɪmˈpruv/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [im-proov] Show IPA verb, -proved, -prov⋅ing.
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–verb (used with object) 1. to bring into a more desirable or excellent condition: He took vitamins to improve his health.
2. to make (land) more useful, profitable, or valuable by enclosure, cultivation, etc.
3. to increase the value of (real property) by betterments, as the construction of buildings and sewers.
4. to make good use of; turn to account: He improved the stopover by seeing a client with offices there.

em⋅ploy  /ɛmˈplɔɪ/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [em-ploi] Show IPA
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–verb (used with object) 1. to hire or engage the services of (a person or persons); provide employment for; have or keep in one's service: This factory employs thousands of people.
2. to keep busy or at work; engage the attentions of: He employs himself by reading after work.
3. to make use of (an instrument, means, etc.); use; apply: to employ a hammer to drive a nail.
4. to occupy or devote (time, energies, etc.): I employ my spare time in reading. I employ all my energies in writing.

man⋅age⋅ment  /ˈmænɪdʒmənt/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [man-ij-muhnt] Show IPA
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–noun 1. the act or manner of managing; handling, direction, or control.
2. skill in managing; executive ability: great management and tact.
3. the person or persons controlling and directing the affairs of a business, institution, etc.: The store is under new management.
4. executives collectively, considered as a class (distinguished from labor ).


1. Could you please define Engineering in your own words?
Engineering is the profession that applies knowledge and experience that through designs, models and techniques to solve problems affecting humanity.

2. What influenced you to pursue Electronics engineering, industrial ingeneering, computer science engineering or informatics engineering?
technologia modernization and dominate the 21st century I am interested and would like to deepen my knowledge through ingeneria.

3. Could you please describe the educational process required to become an Engineer?
didactic as the race is complicated and very aware, so raise the morale and interest in acquiring learning.

4. What are the skills you need to be a good engineer?
perseverance, discipline, dedication, accountability among others.

5. What job considerations were you looking for after you completed your education?
stable jobs and well paid.

6. What's something of your school life that you enjoy the most?
friends, memories and education.

7. from your perspective, what is the most difficult part of being an engineering student?
the hardest part is not having a good foundation of education because the race is full of mathematics, statistics and numbers.

8. What are your plans for the future?
graduate leave the country and raise a family.

9. Point out your most personally gratifying moment in Engineering school.
the time when it passed all subjects in the second quarter.

10. Why would you recommend Engineering as a career?
good because it is a race far field, are acquired much knowledge and is fun.

lunes, 18 de enero de 2010

new post at level 7

This is my new entry post of level 7. My name is Gustavo Duarte you can tell me guss as all friends. I like this form of virtual assessment is more attractive way of learning English.